If you’re looking for an adult platform that doesn’t feel like one, WapTap is the perfect choice. It is a casual social networking website and mobile app on which users can share photos and videos in a non-threatening environment.
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Freedom to be yourself.
Waptap is an inclusive, open platform for creators who wish to express themselves in a sex positive, welcoming community.

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Waptap not only you give the platform to express oneself in a sex-positive community but also to earn money through your erotica content. So, there's no need to be scared of being censored when Waptap is here for you.

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waptap - classysexy

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Due to Waptap lenient policy on publishing adult content, which is prohibited on many platforms for content creation, people are given a chance to create content of any kind, including sexually explicit stuff, and get notoriety.

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Waptap models
Waptap is an inclusive, open platform for creators who wish to express themselves in a sex positive, welcoming community.
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